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Broken Transmission: Should I Replace it – Or Should I Sell My Car?

Broken Transmission

Starting your engine but your car isn’t driving?

Or perhaps you’re already on the road, and you can hear on odd whir and grind under your vehicle?

And what about odd motions? Maybe your car’s backing up, but isn’t going forward, or vice-versa?

If those are issues with your car, then you might have a transmission failure. And the replacement for those tend to be quite expensive.

So you might be considering selling your car instead of fixing it. And that’s what we’ll discuss today!

Anything to Expect?


Most of the time, your transmission repairs shouldn’t require total replacements. There will be situations where a simple repair should do the trick.

But, whatever happens, the transmission repair isn’t going to be cheap. After all, finding a skilled mechanic and good prices takes time!

Solenoid Replacement Costs

If your car’s failing to shift gears, then you might be able to fix your car with some minor replacements.

You see, a car’s shifter is controlled by small electronic parts called solenoids. And this can be placed within or outside a transmission, depending on its design.

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A solenoid replacement can cost anywhere from $20 to $100, in addition to $300 for the necessary labor. And this is considered much cheaper than a full replacement!

Front Seal Replacement Costs

Sometimes, an oil leak from the transmission is the problem. And this shouldn’t happen, since the entire transmission fluid should stay inside.

This is what the front seal does. It prevents fluid leaks past the input shafts that attach to your engine.

However, what’ll you pay for a front seal replacement differs depending on brand. The price range should be $400 to $1000 for that component alone!

Replacement Costs or Transmission Valve Body

Hydraulic pressure is what operates transmission gears. And that pressure gets funneled through the valve body.

If something happens to that, whether it be a crack, an electric fault, or a leak, then changing the entire thing becomes a necessity.

The replacement might cost you $200 to $500, plus a labor cost of $500 – putting the full cost at almost $1000.

Replacement Costs for Transmission Mount

The funny sounds you hear may have to do with a shot mount. It can be worn down, loose, or broken. Or, the tranny might be misaligned with other parts, causing them to hit one another.

Replacing that part is anywhere from $50 to $200, with similar labor costs. And this isn’t bad when compared to other parts!

Cost of Replacing Transmission

Most of the time, your only way of replacing transmissions is by assembly. You’ll need to switch out the clutches, plates, internal gears, and difficult parts that have gotten damaged beyond reuse.

Replacement of those parts is usually costlier than simply changing them out.

However, do take into consideration that costs can vary widely. This depends on the car you’re driving, the type of engine (gas or diesel), whether it’s an economy or performance vehicle, and whether it’s light or heavy duty.

If you’re lucky, transmission replacements can cost as little as $2500. And it’s you’re in bad shape, you might end up paying up to $6000!

Once you get into that price range, you might have to reconsider your car’s costs. You’ll need to ask whether fixing the car is worth it or not!

Can I Get The Transmission Rebuilt?

Most of the time, rebuilding the transmission is a possibility. But this is usually difficult to tell, and it has to do with how damaged the system is.

Here, you’ll need a technician to take it apart, price the repair costs, and then piece it back again.

However, it is possible to save a little money on the labor costs, but that’ll cost you a few hours of your life. And this has to do with how major the repairs need to be!

Labor Costs for Transmission Replacement

It depends. But for the majority of the costs to be labor-related. And this applies to both rebuilds and total replacements!

As for how much you’d pay, the replacement might cost anywhere from $1500 to $4000. And depending on how beat up your car is, selling it might be the appropriate option!

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